Manual Configuration

The configuration of dexbot internally happens through a YAML formatted file. Unless you are developing or want to use a custom strategy, you don’t need to edit this.

The default file name is config.yml, and dexbot only seeks the file in the current directory.

Otherwise you can specify a different config file using the --configfile X parameter when calling dexbot run.

The config.yml file

# The BitShares endpoint to talk to
node: "wss://"

# List of bots

    # Name of the bot. This is mostly for logging and internal
    # use to distinguish different bots

        # Python module to look for the strategy (can be custom)
        # dexbot will search in ~/bots as well as standard dirs
        module: "dexbot.strategies.echo"

        # The bot class in that module to use
        bot: Echo

        # The market to subscribe to
        market: GOLD:TEST

        # The account to use for this bot
        account: xeroc

        # Custom bot configuration
        foo: bar

Using the configuration in custom strategies

The bot’s configuration is available to in each strategy as dictionary in The whole configuration is avaialable in self.config. The name of your bot can be found in